Thursday, October 18, 2012

Gru's Minions

Okay, so it's been a while.
As excrutiatingly stupid as this sounds, I've only just found the SD card in my laptop. So all this time, I'd had to upload the pictures onto another laptop, then move them to mine via a usb. *Patrick moment

But that's not all I did this week (but woo, finding an SD card duct/hole/thingy is a massive achievement. Obviously.)

I've been drawing again.
I've gotten inspired by my movie marathon mornings. Ahh, the life of a kid after GCSE's. So I watched a lot of my favourite movies; A Walk to Remember, She's the Man, Bride Wars, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Dear John, The Hunger Games, The Princess Diaries, Just Go With it, Wedding Crashers, The Blind Side, The Parent Trap, Tangled, Up, Lilo and Stitch, Finding Nemo, Toy Story 3, and definitely Despicable Me.

Spent the weekend drawing the adorable yellow creatures known as Gru's minions.

I also hadn't failed to address some really memorable cute characters. I didn't have the time or effort to draw all of them, though.

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