Friday, June 15, 2012


Tonight was quite a nice little night. Spent the afternoon at the clubhouse with Anis, and pretended to be, apparently, Lil Wayne. (HA HA)

We helped each other with henna 'tattoos', hahaha, excuse the lameness. This is actually the closest I will ever get to a tat (thankfully).

But we had fun. Especially when I messed up one of them, by (somehow) forgetting it was there, and standing up and walking around. I had done one on my ankle, and of course, my trousers stuck to it and smudged it out completely.

I ended up starting again, and having several other logos and such.
We also did our nails (very messily, I would note), and got matching hearts on our right wrists. I was hoping they would last at least through summer.

Other than that, spent the rest of the day watching old TV shows and packing stuff up. I have not had enough time being outside. Only having a car has difficulties, i.e. lacking the ability to actually leave the compound.
Going to miss this desert, despite everything.

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