Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Oh help (!)

Physics prac exam today.

Nerves nerves nerves nerves.

I'm told that the practical is easy; hence the high grade boundary, but ijklgmdbsmnp. I do have a history for messing simple stuff up. So, so worried.

Physics isn't my best subject. I'm so scared.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Can't sleep. Chemistry all day, and just got tired and developed short attention span again. Tore the back of my past paper, and started drawing with some chalk pastels that the art teacher had sent home with my sister to finish her assignment. I borrowed it, since she had finished with it, and looked through my camera to do some second-hand sketching.
I did one of Fluffy, just because he was flawless. I would have just drawn him from first hand observations, but he kept moving around and changing postures.

So this is me, drawing at 10:30 pm.

And while I was drawing this,of course, this teeny, naggy voice in my head told me, "You should be studying moles...you know you should..." 
But, of course, I drowned it out by putting on some old CD's on the little radio on the floor next to me. 
I know I'm going to regret doing this, though. But, agh, after spending the whole day with Chemistry, I just feel like my brain's going to explode. I should have taken Business or something.
One of my teachers said to cool it, and just not stress, but it's easy for him to say. I know he's been in my position, too, but it's easy to say something like that when it's not in your life right now. But I took his advice anyway, which was to think of things that give you motivation. Like the long two month summer. Or the prize you're going to get from your parents. Or the pride of getting good grades.
It doesn't work all the time, though, I've got to say.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Today I don't feel like doing anything..

 Went outside with Fluffy and got him to play outside for a while.
Anyway, decided to photograph him the whole time.

 He just loves resting behind there for some reason. The first time we got him, after we let him out, he'd run towards the tank and hide there for some time, until he gets bored, I suppose.

Then I guess he was tired out (after 20 minutes, this is) and went inside. He was quite excited to have a little lie in and eat a cherry afterwards.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Stumbling across memories

I've found more old stuff. Awwe, look at the dates. :') So, more photography and such. I know it's not amazing, but, with time (young grasshopper), I'll get better. I think for a twelve year old, I did okay.

Aaahh, I'll miss this sight so, so, so muchh!  This is the Doha Ras Gas compound. I'll miss you, old friend!

I also found my old scrapbook thing I did when I was thirteen, or something? Even my sister found her old, silly diaries she had written when she was eight, and we cried laughing in the middle of the night because of how cute and clueless we were.

 Did this when I was in the decoupage phase.  A lot of people ask what it is, so this is basically what it is:


The decoration of the surface of an object with paper cut-outs.

Only, you use paints and special glue and stuff to make it look nice. This isn't a proper decoupage because I didn't use any paper cut outs. Usually I use tissue. Those decorated tissues you come across, with those lovely swirly patterns, or hearts, or flowers? Cut them out, and brush them on with decoupage glue, and voila!

I had this strawberry one as well. 

Wreck this Journal

You know the Wreck this Journal books? I couldn't get my hands on one, so I bought an ordinary book from the corner shop that costed me, like five rials?
Of course it wouldn't have been as quality as the real one by Keri Smith, but I don't know. I just felt the fun to do it anyway.
So these are some of the little things I did. They aren't special, but I love to get away from studying and sit there painting quietly with some music on, and have the sun light from outside my window near my table.

Ignore the caption. I'm a fangirl.

(I need a better camera though.)
(And better photographing skills)

Pre- IGCSE's

The compound cat sneaked in our house. It was the most random occurrence. And Fluffy was so mesmerized, it was so cute. I guess he found it strange that there was another pet in the house. 

In other news, I've also been procrastinating in the form of photographing nearby inanimate objects. 

And, sewing. Because I am a very bored boring person. With a lot of free time on her hands, I might add.

I got the inspiration from these little cute owl thingies Dad brought back from his trip to Japan when I was younger.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Art & Photography

So this is what I found when I was cleaning out stuff for the move. This was my painting of my final piece last year for Art and Design. The shoe was based on vintage stuff from the 1820's era, I think. 

These are samples of some of my sheets I've done for this year. :) It's inspired by exotic flora from tropical jungles.

I couldn't resist painting up Taylor Swift. :') This is the unfinished painting. I didn't take pictures of it after I had finished, by the art teacher did.

 This was a model, I expect. I don't know her name off hand, but could probably find it, I think. It'd be hard-ish. So I won't.

This was for my still life unit. :) Vegetables and gardening tools are things I needed to do.

I've also found an interest in photography. I decided to take pictures of things I found pretty.