Saturday, January 2, 2016

Reading Resolutions

Last year, in 2015 (wow, that felt odd to say), I read 155 books, of the 150 I set at the beginning of the year.

This year, I intend to keep the goal at 150, but I wouldn't be too crushed if I don't reach it. It's just something to keep in mind when I suffer from an awful bout of a reading slump.

Another challenge that would be fun to try is the one put up by Popsugar. I'd done the 2015 challenge, and it was thoroughly thrilling to see just how many books I'd read that I could tick off from the list!

I hadn't done too badly, scoring 45 of 50 (The books I haven't read being a banned book, a book I was supposed to read in school but didn't, a classic romance, a play, and a book that came out the year I was born). I do intend to up my game, though. Bring it on!

This year's challenge seems to be a lot more diverse, and even challenging, but I guess that's the idea. Wish me luck, and join in!

What was left of '15

After some reflection; an honest one, 2015 was not all that bad. In fact, some of the times might've been the best I've ever had.

For one, I've had the immense privelage of becoming friends with amazing people! Internship really changes you, I tell ya. 
I also met two bookish little things that broadened my knowledge and joy of bibliophilia! One of them, Raihan-san, introduced me to a group of cool cats, and from there, we were one big, diverse family, whom I've known for nearly a year! #mybbm

I also went on vacation again (as some of you MYBBMs went on a field trip), to a quaint hotel in Johor that doubled as a waterpark and beach resort. Since the slides were more for the wee ones, I busied myself by inconspicuously (or so I claim) picking flowers, taking polaroid shots, and collecting shells and acorns.

Clearly, I am the least nerdy person you know (not nearly true, I know, shhhh).

 Also, as for where I left off from the previous post, I did have fun meeting Lang Leav! It was such a humbling, terrific experience, getting to meet the sweet person from which such beautiful and striking words came.

My friend and I waited in line, and were the second group in line, so we got to meet her within the first few minutes (thankfully!). Don't ask us how early we had to stand there to be one of the first people in line. It was painfully awkward.

In any case, it was well worth it. Lang Leav took questions; which included where she got inspiration from, and which of her poems she herself loved most. Then, she read a few of her poems, as per request of the audience.

I did manage to take a polaroid with her, and also a quick picture from Siti's phone. Fortunately and unfortunately, it came out blurry. Also, Leav closed her eyes, which I find adds to her quirkiness somehow. I also got two signatures from her, which is, to me, almost as cool as having Robert Downey Junior's (I said almost).