Sunday, June 30, 2013

I'm gasoline and you're the spark

Been pretty busy, especially before, during and after my most recent finals. But, knowing my professionalism at the art of procrastinating, of course I found the time to squeeze in some futile activities as well.

For example;

1) Re-reading books I've read a million times, but somehow felt compelled to read over and over again, just in case the ending were to abruptly change itself. (Ha ha)
2) Watching Disney/Pixar movie marathons for 3 nights in a row in jammies, and fuzzy slippers.
3) And then deciding that it isn't enough to watch Disney movies with wee little cousins literally half my age. (Yeah, no, scoot over, lil' munchkins, I am NOT too old, I assure you)

This is what I have so far for this onee. It isn't quite finished, but it will soon be. Andand, it's a bit blurry, and too bright; just cause I took it with my phone camera.
Aside from that, can we please stop to appreciate what a nice movie Peter Pan was?

"You know that place between awake and asleep, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you. That's where I'll be waiting."

Also, you are lying if you say you don't like Disney (at least be honest to yourself, homie).

title; Hearts Go Crazy by Parachute